Commit To Time In The Saddle When Targeting Key Audience Segments

Omnichannel Marketing – A Data & Platform-Driven Guide for B2B Marketers (part 2 of 3)

Congratulations! You’ve completed the first leg of the race where you successfully identified your customers. The second leg of your marketing triathlon finds you strong in the saddle and pedaling hard to target your best segments.

You can get the full download on Tackling An Omnichannel Marketing Triathlon below. In the meantime, read on for these quick tips on audience segmentation.


Here you’re building on the solid work you did to stitch together your account insights from across your marketing platform(s) and tools. Now, you have the ability to model your ideal prospect types, not only by the attributes and information from your first-party systems, but also by discrete attributes with audience segments.


Here’s three training pointers to target your best audience segments:

  1. Perform Segmentation Analysis - Eliminate wasted spend by targeting only those contacts you want and refine by multiple firmographic data points for precision.
  2. Find Best New “Look-Alike” Customers - Broaden reach by modeling larger audiences, or similar audiences in new markets.
  3. Identify Unknown Site visitors - Optimize future audience segmentation and uncover new sources of leads using web analytics and by identifying anonymous web site visitors.

With two legs of the race behind you, you’ll sail into the final stretch of this marketing triathlon. Stay tuned for the final blog’s training tips in our 3-part series: “Run Your Personal Best – Engage with Your Customers.”

Get Your Guide

In partnership with Adobe, Dun & Bradstreet has developed the B2B data-inspired training guide, Tackling An Omnichannel Marketing Triathlon. Get your copy now and learn how to expertly interconnect the right mix of channels, data, and platform to identify, target, and engage with your customers – where and when they expect you to.

See Part 1 in this series 'Dive into Omnichannel Marketing by First Identifying Your Customers.'